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Captain America


























Captain America, also known as Steve Rogers, is one of the earliest characters in the Marvel Universe. He has always been portrayed as a solidly Protestant character, with his strong beliefs in God and American religious values.


In Ultimate’s 2 it was stated that Cap attends church every Sunday.



































Captain America's strong Christian ethical and moral standards extend even to his disapproval of profanity and vulgarity in movies, and his disapproval of nudity in movies. Captain America is sometimes regarded by other super-heroes and comic book readers alike as something of a "Boy Scout." Some people seem to express disdain for Captain America because of his strong values and ideals.


The biggest indicator that Captain America practices religion regularly is in The Infinity Crusade, a powerful being who called herself “The Goddess” kidnapped the superheroes she identified as being the most religious, and Captain was one of them.























Steve Rogers had also made a quick remark when first meeting Thor in The Avengers movie:


“[Captain America puts on a parachute to go follow after Thor, Loki and Iron Man]

Natasha Romanoff: I'd sit this one out, Cap.

Steve Rogers: I don't see how I can.

Natasha Romanoff: These guys come from legend. They're basically gods.

Steve Rogers: There's only one God, ma'am, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't dress like that.”


Steve/Cap is clearly fine with showing his religious beliefs, being one of the many Marvel Characters linked to religion, Captain is probably safe to assume a practicing Christian. 


Captain America is also said to represent the civil religion in America. John Shelton and Robert Jewlett argue that; "the Captain America comic books, in part because of their crudeness, provide a vivid embelm of this contridictory civil religion." 

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